Thursday, October 19, 2000, 6:00 pm at the çity
Council Chambers. Marilyn Contreas of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is
going to attend to discuss city/town charters pertaining to
mayor/city manager. Marilyn is the authority on matters
pertaining to charter matters. She played one of the lead
roles in changing Chelsea from mayor to city manager. Thursday, October 5, 2000, 7pm at the National Park
Service Visitor's Center. There will be an informational
meeting. Andrew Mailer, Deputy Manager of the City of
Chelsea, will give a presentation on the issue. Is a City Manager type of government something that
should be considered, and would it work, for Salem? Listen
to the discussion. A meeting will be held at 6:45 on Thursday 8/31/00 at the
Senior Citizens' Housing off of Boston Street. Marilyn Contreas of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is
going to attend to discuss city/town charters pertaining to
mayor/city manager. Marilyn is the authority on matters
pertaining to charter matters. She played one of the lead
roles in changing Chelsea from mayor to city manager. The Senior Center faces on Nichol St.and runs down to
Boston St. Nichol St.runs off Boston St., opposite the AOH
which is 104 Boston St. TheCommunity Hall is located in the
rear of the Center and fronts on Boston St., a little back
from the street. More directions: (A prize probably awaits those who find
the location!). "The senior housing actually has an address on Nichol St
so we don't want to use that; it will confuse the hell out
of people looking for the conference room. The conference
room is in the rear of the housing and faces on Boston St.,
however, it doesn't have a Boston St. number as it is part
of the Nichol St. complex. The AOH is 104 Boston St. and our
meeting will take place directly across the street. If they
park somewhere near the AOH, they will find our
conference/meeting room." September 10, 2001. There will be at least one
"candidate's night" before the election.