- Ruane Judicial Center
12/3/2008 80% Drawings of Elevations 10/23/2008 DCAM Report letter on construction March 5, 2008.
Salem Superior Courthouse & County
Commissioners Building Re-Use Study
Feasibility Report - Draft February 2008February 19, 2008. Renderings of 30% design mounted on city's web site: July 24, 2007. April 2007 Goody Clancy Site Plan, ***** Photos of model.(two separate images) July 8, 2007. Graphics showing Alternative Traffic Plans June 21, 2007. Goody Clancy 4/4/2007 Study Report, Volume IV (267 pages, 47 megs) June 3, 2007. Correspondence relating to Project - Mostly Traffic May 11, 2007 Draft MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) April 27, 2007 Mass Highways Submission to Mass Historical Commission. January 21, 2007. Portions of Nomination to National Register of Historic Places EarthTech Traffic Study Link January 4, 2007. Schedule for reviews by MEPA, Massachusetts Historical Commission January 2, 2007. Environmental Notification Form (ENF) submitted to EOEA MEPA Office - Note: This is a large pdf file (27megs); it will take a few minutes to download even on a high speed connection. Be patient. Alternative ENF Form - short version with graphics only - small file November 2006 Traffic Study by Earthtech - Comments by FSNA/ASNA Steering Committee July 2006 Renderings of site with and without new courthouse Photos of other courthouses in urban areas. February 2006. Citizens' Advisory Committee formed in 2005 to review process. Salem Partnership, Essex Heritage Commission, Historic Salem and Alliance of Salem Neighborhoods involved. Reviews continue Photos of the surrounding area - December 2005, January 2006 Rendering of massing existing in the area - December, 2005 10/25/2005. A meeting will be held Monday, November 21, 2005 to present the latest thinking on the courthouse issue. Goody Clancey Architects were hired earlier in 2005, apparently to rethink the earlier ICON schemes (which were never publically released). 12/23/2002. A meeting was held Thursday, December 19, 2002. Called by DECAM (Department of Capital Asset Management). Attended by the Salem Partnership, Historic Salem, Inc., Salem Planning Department, Representatives of the Alliance of Salem Neighborhoods and about seven Neighborhood Associations, and the Massachusetts Courts (this list is not inclusive).
Gail Rosenberg of DECAM explained that they had been engaged in a study of potential sites for a new courthouse in Salem for the past several months. The two sites now under serious consideration are (one) part of the MBTA parking lot at Salem Station, and (two) a site including the First Baptist Church on Federal Street (as recently reported in the news).
The architect, John Shields of ICON Architects, and Ted Houston of Kelsey and Edwards, Traffic Consultants, presented their studies to this point. An architectural model was presented, as well as site plans for the two potential locations.
Gail Rosenberg said that they would be studying the two sites intensively over the next few weeks, and hope to have a final site selected by the end of January, 2003. She will welcome input from the city, including the Salem Partnership, Historic Salem Inc., and the Alliance of Salem Neighborhoods. (Presumably also from the City).
She also commented that the State was coordinating the various entities involved, namely the Courts, the MBTA, and MHD (Mass Highways).
5/17/2002. An article with a rendering of a new courthouse was published in the Salem Evening News 5/13/2002. View this.
2/24/2002. According to Joseph Walsh, City Planner, a courthouse study for the construction of, or rehabilitation of existing courthouses in Salem has been in Draft form for quite a few months. The analysis of the study will also include at least two other municipalities as potential locations for Essex County Courts.
5/17/2002. An article with a rendering of a new courthouse was published in the Salem Evening News 5/13/2002. View this.