Salem Citizens Association
Newslinks and Information for the Salem, Massachusetts Community

Go To Latest Developments 2011

Please Note that many of the links within this Site are connections to other Sites on the Web; once there, you will have to "back out" using your browser to return to this Site.





Welcome to our Web site. We are dedicated to serving the community with up to date information on many issues, and as a resource. "What is the best government ? That government which teaches us to govern ourselves." - Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

Emergency Preparedness

Link to North Shore - Cape Ann Emergency Preparedness Coalition


Development & Planning

Discussions, articles, ..Hbr pln, Osco, .


Report cards on schools, ....

Government & Politics

Races, city mngr ?, ....


Message board to post questions about Salem (Links to Discussion Board)

Meeting & event schedules

Special, Neighborhood, Irregular Meetings not otherwise advertised, Or Sometimes Hot Topics

Resources & Links

Other resources on Salem, City Councilors, Neighborhood Associations,....

 A b o u t  U s

Learn about our group and how we started.

 A r c h i v e s

Record of previous issues that are not currently active.



Last update: 10/21/2011 MBTA Garage Proposal***Salem Suede Variance *** Flood Mitigation Peabody***List of Current Projects***ZoningReWrite,***Senior Center Plans, ***OSRAM/Sylvania Site ***HES Building Federal Street, Transfer Station***Lowe's/Walmart