Storage Facility - Goodhue Street
Discussion regarding a proposed new "Public Storage " building. |
Sorry - Some of the images and links are not working properly. The Wizard is at work trying to fix them!!! 8/12/2002 |
Representatives of the company and their local representative, as well as their Attorney, George Atkins, made two presentations to the Gallows Hill and Federal Street Neighborhood groups in April and May, 2001 |
Hit the image above to enlarge (May, 2001) |
A rendering of the building and site plan were displayed. After discussions, the developers went back and changed the colors on the facade; this was presented in May, 2001. |
Many participants were not satisfied with the design - some were concerned that it was similar to the Walgreens Drug store that would be across the street if this storage facility was built. |
A meeting to discuss the design is scheduled for Saturday am, June 16, 2001. Details about exact location and time - later. |
Can a building be designed to disguise its real use or appearance? Hit this to find out |
A follow up meeting will be held - stay tuned |
Meeting Scheduled Thursday, October 4, 2001 |
Hit Image to enlarge (September, 2001) |
At a meeting held Wednesday, November 6, 2001, the developer, architect and site engineer presented the latest design. This design addressed three issues: 1. Moved the building up to the lot line on Bridge Street. 2. Moved the loading activity to the rear, away from the street and side of the building. 3. Modified the exterior to emulate an industrial look, and added brick and split faced concrete block to the majority of the facade. 4. Moved the lights off the building facade and designed them to be on the site itself. |
Hit these images to enlarge |
At a meeting held December 3, 2001 the developers met with the neighborhood groups and HSI and presented elevations that modified the windows to make more openings, and a three story look. |
8/12/2002 - Final Design - Hit this image to enlarge |
The developers showed the revised plans to the Planning Board Thursday, December 6, 2001 in an informal fashion. The developers explained that they were going to the ZBA to obtain dimensional variances to set backs. Individuals from the neighborhoods supported the presentation (with the proviso that the revised elevations be tied to the variance). |
On December 19, 2001 the ZBA granted a dimensional variance to allow a set back closer to the street. There was one individual objection from an abutter, an auto body shop owner. |
On January 17, 2002 the Planning Board approved the project. Representatives of the neighborhoods supported the project. |
We understand that an adjacent property owner has challenged the issuance of a variance as of February, 2002. |