Study - Schedule for reviews by agencies
January 4, 2007
Draft traffic report delivered to the City 12/20/06 ENF (Environmental Notice Form) scheduled to be filed 1/2/07 Steering Committee meeting, 120 Washington St., 9:30 am 1/3/07 ENF notice in MA Environmental Monitor (Copy of the ENF will be available on the MEPA site) 1/9/07 Public meeting, Carlton School 6 pm 1/9/07 MEPA meeting To be Scheduled Close of public comments on ENF notice filed1/9/07 1/27/07 MassHighways public traffic presentation - amendment to the North Street project To be scheduled Public comment period on traffic plan To be scheduled MEPA report & determination as to whether an EIR(Environmental Impact Report) is required; (EIR not
expected to be required)2/8/07 Mass Historical Commission review Begins with ENF filing (Filed 1/2/2007) on going thereafter for 2-3 months