Friday March 1, 2002, Elizabeth Humphrey, Associate Director, Smart Growth America,

Washington, D.C.

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 You are invited to attend the first of a new speaker series sponsored by the Salem Department of Planning and Community Development, entitled "Planning Salem's Future"


"Using Smart Growth to Create a More Livable Community"

presentation by Elizabeth Humphrey, Associate Director, Smart Growth America, Washington, D.C.

Friday March 1, 2002, 9:00 a.m., Main Conference Room, City Hall Annex (3rd flr. 120 Washington St.)

Across the country, people are increasingly fed up with the costs of suburban sprawl &endash; more traffic, more expensive housing, fewer choices, the disinvestment in older cities and the over-development of suburban open space. In the last few years, "Smart Growth" has been put forward as a potential solution to all of these problems and more.

Smart Growth is a comprehensive approach to planning and community development that seeks to revitalize downtowns, preserve open space, keep housing affordable, and make communities more livable.

Salem is already working on elements of a Smart Growth strategy &endash; through its Main Streets program, historic preservation efforts, urban redevelopment, new downtown housing and improved transit options. On Friday, we will discuss what Smart Growth is, where it has been successful, and what it could mean in Salem.

The Friday morning speaker will be Elizabeth Humphrey, Associate Director of Smart Growth America and a national leader in the movement to build more livable communities. Join us as we kick off this new speaker series and together learn more about "Smart Growth" and if it could help create a more prosperous future for Salem.

Unless otherwise noted, all events in this series will be held in the Main Conference Room at City Hall Annex (120 Washington St., 3rd Floor). For more information, Contact Salem DPCD at 978-745-9595 x311


Biography for Elizabeth Humphrey, Associate Director, Smart Growth America

Elizabeth Humphrey is Associate Director of Smart Growth America. Prior to coming Smart Growth America, Ms. Humphrey was part of Maryland Governor Parris Glendening's award-winning state-wide Smart Growth initiative. In Maryland, she served with Secretary Harriet Tregoning, who tapped her to lead Smart Growth communications at the Maryland Department of Planning, the lead agency for the Governor's program.

Ms. Humphrey's understanding of the issues communities face as they strive for prosperity has been built through work at several levels of government and in the private and non-profit sectors. Ms. Humphrey is a former legislative aide to U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore), the founder of the House Livable Communities Task Force and a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. She began her career in Portland, Oregon, as a planner at Tri-Met, the regional transit agency, and as a planner in a full-service design and engineering firm.

Ms. Humphrey holds a Bachelor's Degree in Social Anthropology from Harvard College and a Master's Degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Her Master's Thesis, prepared for Boston Mayor Thomas N. Menino, recommended ways to implement strategic alliances between the City and its universities. She was nationally recognized as an Eno Transportation Foundation Leadership Fellow in 2000.




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