North Shore MIS (Major Improvements Study)
Update (11/21/2004) The entire North Shore Transit Improvements Report is on the MBTA web site at www.mbta.com/projects_underway/nsti.asp - lots of info here
Update (1/28/2003). A flyer describing the project and status, with maps, is available. Also, MBTA has published the address of their web site for this project, www.mbta.com/projects_underway/nsti.asp. This site contains a large number of items including EIS reports, schedules, planning documents.
Update (1/19/2003). The group is planning on a series of meetings to discuss the next phases of the process. See meetings and agenda for 1/23/2003 meeting. Also, the minutes from the 12/4/2002 meeting are available. Interesting reading. (These are in "pdf" form. If you are unable to open the file, go to Adobe's web site and download a free copy of Acrobat Reader ).
(Archive material - March, 2002). The MBTA has been working on this issue since at least April, 2001. It apparently includes a study of most of the North Shore MBTA system. There is a Steering Committee, and Salem has at least one representative, Attorney Bill Tinti, and Acting City Planner, Joe Walsh, also attends some of the meetings. The group meets in various places on the North Shore at periodic intervals. The next meetings will be held in March and April, 2002 (see "meetings" for locations and times)
The study includes, for Salem,
Recent developments include at least two meetings that involve scoping for an EIS (Environmental Impact Statement), primarily for an extension of the Blue Line to Salem. The text of the notice document can be seen here.
Boston Globe notice HERE
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